Breathing in different patterns can purify your breath. I will give instructions for these basic breath patterns here. In a later post I will describe more of the details. These breathing practices can purify the air and atmosphere around and within you, so they are very helpful in bringing balance and ease to your breathing.
- Breath in and out through your nostrils. Breath in 4 counts, setting the rhythm at a comfortable pace for you. Breath out 6 counts. Rest, coming back to your own pattern of breathing.
- Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep the same rhythmic pattern, in 4 counts, out 6 counts. Rest.
- Breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. In 4, out 6. Rest.
- Breathe in through your mouth and out through your mouth. In 4, out 6. Rest.
- Breath in and out through your nose. This is a very subtle breath, hardly breathing. there is no rhythmic count. Rest.
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